SUPERCentral News

SMSFs must report all contributions received in respect of members during the 2008/09 year in the SMSF 2009 Annual Return. The Annual Return includes the fund’s regulatory return and income tax return and must be lodged when the fund’s income tax is due.

The Draft Ruling suggests that a deduction for a contribution which is made to the reserve of a Super Fund will not qualify as a deduction as the contribution is not made for the purpose of providing superannuation benefits for a particular member or class of members.

If a guarantor of a borrowing by a super fund discharges the debt of the super fund, the discharge will be treated as a contribution to the fund.

If a borrowing by the super fund (eg pursuant to a super gearing or instalment warrant arrangement) is forgiven, the amount of the debt forgiven will be treated as a contribution to the super fund.

These will be accepted as a contribution. The amount of the contribution will be the market value of the asset as at the date of transfer.

The payment of an expense of the Fund (eg accounting fees, tax) will be treated as a contribution to the superannuation fund by the person who made the payment.

The ATO has taken an economist’s view of a contribution. Consequently, a contribution is seen as any amount which increases the capital of a super fund.

As part of the Budget 2009 changes, the Government announced that the 50% concession in the minimum pension limit which applies to account-based, transition to retirement, allocated and market linked pensions will continue for 2009/10.

The Fair Work Act will change the existing workplace laws as significantly as Work Choices did only a few years ago.