SUPERCentral News

The ATO has issued an Interpretative Decision (ID 2015/11) which specifies that only individuals who have either general registration or specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia will qualify as a legally qualified medical practitioner.

The ATO has issued a new Interpretative Decision (ATO ID 2015/10 - 1 May 2015) which suggests a common form of business succession agreement between business co-owners involving SMSFs, may have regulatory compliance issues.

The dollar value of each penalty unit will increase from $170 to $180 with effect from July 2015. Consequently, the maximum penalty for failing to sign the ATO Trustee Declaration will increase from $8,500 to $9,000, as the maximum penalty is 50 penalty units.

After being bitten and not achieving its goals in the last Budget, the Government has decided to address the Budget Deficit by means of bracket creep (increasing the tax take as salaries increase and move into higher tax brackets)

The SUPERCentral Governing Rules have been updated. The new updated rules (Version May 2015 or 05/15) will apply to all superannuation funds which are currently on the SUPERCentral system.

Step One: the SMSF must have an ABN. SMSFs which were established before 2000 may not have an ABN. If the SMSF does not have an ABN, it must immediately apply for an ABN.

Yes they can. This would be achieved by employer contributions subject to SUPERStreaming being first contributed to an APRA regulated fund, accumulated in that fund and, then rolled over/transferred to the SMSF.