SUPERCentral News

The current version of the SUPERCentral Governing Rules, Version 03/17, has now been registered as a standard terms document for the purposes of Queensland land titles. The registration number is 717912363.

The purpose of the cap is to place a limit on the amount of super capital which can be transferred into pension phase - and thereby enjoy earnings tax exemption.

The courts are littered with examples of 'do it yourself' Wills that have gone wrong. It doesn't matter how simple you think your Will is - even smart people - very smart people - can and do get them wrong.

If you have not triggered the bring-forward in respect of 2016/17 and you are under age 65 at any time during the 2016/17 financial year, this is the last financial year in which you can make $540,000 of ordinary non-concessional contributions.

These contributions are not subject to any contribution cap. Consequently, they can be made whether or not the relevant member has exhausted their non-concessional contributions cap, the bring-forward cap or the CGT non-concessional contributions cap.

From the 2019/20 financial year, members will be able to make "catch up" concessional contributions. Where a member is unable to fully exhaust their concessional contribution cap in respect of a financial year, the unused portion (aka shortfall) of the concessional contribution cap can be carried forward to a later financial year and utilised in that later financial year.