Concessional duty applications for related party property transfers

Concessional duty applications for related party property transfers


$1,485 - SUPERCentral deed without loan
$1,815 - SUPERCentral deed with loan
$2,145 - non-SUPERCentral deed without loan
$2,640 - non-SUPERCentral deed with loan

This is a fixed price service.

Residents of NSW, WA and VIC have the opportunity to transfer business real property they hold in their personal name into their SMSF and pay little or no state duty on the transfer.

Some States require the fund to purchase the property which it can do by borrowing if it wishes.   In NSW it can be purchased by the fund (with or without a loan), or transferred as an in-specie contribution or partly purchased and partly contributed.

IMPORTANT: Director Identification Number

For further information, please call our office on 02 8296 6266