Making Pension Spouse Reversionary

Making Pension Spouse Reversionary

Use this document to vary a non-reversionary pension to that of a reversionary pension which will be payable to the spouse of the member.

$88      single use | no legal review

This document only applies to an account-based pension or a transition to retirement pension.

Steps to vary a pension to a spouse reversionary pension are outlined in this document set, however, please note that the following actions are required:

  • Confirm that the pension is an account-based or a transition to retirement pension which is not currently a reversionary pension.
  • Confirm that the individual who is to be the reversionary beneficiary is a dependant of the member.
  • Confirm that the terms of the pension permit the pension to be varied to nominate a reversionary beneficiary, as the terms of the current pension may restrict or limit the ability of the current pension to be varied.

This document set includes:

  • Important notes to use
  • Steps required to vary a pension to a reversionary pension
  • Reversionary beneficiary nomination form; and
  • Trustee resolutions

Please note:  the online order form provides a completed set of populated and amending documents for one pension  only.   If you would like to make an order for a second pension of the member to be varied to be reversionary please submit another set of instructions.

For assistance please call the SUPERCentral Help Desk on 02 8296 6266 or make an enquiry.