Pension refresh | pack
For all the documents needed to refresh a pension by merging the commutation amount with an existing accumulation interest and issuing a replacement pension.
The Member and the trustee of the Fund will commute the previous pension and merge the resulting commutation balance with an existing accumulation balance of the Member in the Fund. The documents assume that the Member will have drawn down the necessary minimum pension payments for that financial year before the pension was commuted
Please confirm that there are no special terms applying to the previous pension which would preclude the commutation, merger and issue of the replacement pension.
Generally, if the current pension is a particular type of account based or transition to retirement pension, then the refreshed pension will be of the same type.
Refreshing an account-based pension with preserved benefits will, however, cause the refreshed pension to be a transition to retirement pension.
This document set includes:
- Letter of advice
- Pension refresh application form
- Pension agreement
- Product disclosure statement
Please note: This online order form provides a complete set of documents for one member only. To place an order for a different member, please submit a new set of instructions.
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