Pension consolidation | pack

Pension consolidation | pack

All of the documentation required to merge multiple superannuation  pension streams payable from the same fund to the same member into one.   

This fixed price service includes legal review and tailoring and all of the documents required to consolidate the various pensions. 

Consolidating two or more pensions involves the commutation of those pensions, merging of the resulting commutation amounts into a single superannuation interest and the issue of a replacement pension from that superannuation interest.  Also the single superannuation interest may be augmented by the merger of that single superannuation with all or part of an existing accumulation interest.

This comprehensive pension pack includes legal review of instructions, precedent tailoring as required and all of the documents required to consolidate a pension:

  • Letter of advice
  • Written resolutions
  • Pension agreement
  • Pension PDS

Please note:  This online order form provides a complete set of documents for one member only.  To place an order for a different member, please submit a new set of instructions.

For assistance please call the SUPERCentral Help Desk on 02 8296 6266 or make an enquiry.

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