Pension - full cash out

Pension - full cash out

Document set for a lump sum withdrawal of the entire pension balance by way of full commutation

Price $88.00 - single use | no legal review

This document set permits an account based pension in retirement phase or a transition to retirement pension to be completely cashed out as a superannuation lump-sum payment.

A full (ie 100%) cash out of the pension will terminate the pension and the pension account balance will be paid as a superannuation member benefit. 

A transition to retirement pension moves into retirement phase when the member has met a condition of release with nil cashing restriction (eg retirement or reaching age 65). The preserved benefits will become unrestricted non-preserved, and count towards the member’s transfer balance cap and the exempt current pension income concession will be available.

A transition to retirement pension which is not in retirement phase cannot use this document set as transition pension benefits are made up of preserved or restricted non-preserved components.

Please note this document set should not be used for market linked or defined benefit pensions.

This document set is not suitable if the cash out is a partial cash out (ie less than 100%).  In this case, use the “Pension - Partial Cash Out” template.

  • Pension variation checklist
  • Request for cashing out
  • Written resolutions

Please note:  This online order form provides a complete set of documents for one member only.  To place an order for a different member, please submit a new set of instructions.

For assistance please call the SUPERCentral Help Desk on 02 8296 6266 or make an enquiry.

To access our pension cashing out FAQ please click here.