Trustee Representation Letter
1. The purpose of this statement is to permit un-associated employers to rely on the presumption that the Superannuation Fund is a complying superannuation fund on the basis that the fund is resident regulated superannuation fund which is not subject to a direction not to accept employer contributions.
2. If un-associated employers can rely on the presumption that the Superannuation Fund is a complying superannuation fund, then they will be entitled to a tax deduction for their contributions and their contributions will be applied to reduce their liability under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 for superannuation guarantee charge.
3. This statement can be used by both corporate and individual trustees.
4. If the person signing the statement has reason to believe that the fund is either not an Australian resident superannuation fund or has been issued with a s 63 notice under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 by the ATO, they must not sign the statement or provide a copy of the signed statement to a third party.
For further information or advice please call the SUPERCentral Help Desk on 02 8296 6266, we would be pleased to assist.