Contributions information sheet

Contributions information sheet

This information sheet provides a basic overview of the restrictions placed on trustees of super funds when accepting contributions from or in respect of members.

The information provided is of a general nature only and should not be relied upon in lieu of specific professional advice. Legislation (including specific cap amounts cited below for the 2024-2025 financial year) may also subsequently change.

This valuable document is updated annually and includes information on:

1. Types of contributions
2. Contribution caps for the 2024-2025 year
3. Recent legislative changes
4. Downsizer contributions
5. Personal contributions
6. Employer contributions
7. Third-party contributions
8. CGT contributions
9. Personal injury contributions
10. Other restrictions on accepting contributions
11. Reporting of contributions in the annual return of the super fund – financial year 2023/24
12. Consequences of exceeding contribution caps – financial year 2024/25

For further information or advice please call the SUPERCentral Help Desk on 02 8296 6266, we would be pleased to assist.