
Contribution acceptance resolutions
This information sheet provides a basic overview of the restrictions placed on trustees of super funds when accepting contributions from or in respect of members. The information provided is of a general nature only and should not be relied upon in lieu of specific professional advice. Legislation may also be subject to change.
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A downsizer contribution is a superannuation contribution which is made from the sale proceeds of a property (ie real estate). Click here for all the downsizer resolutions needed by an individual for themselves.
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In simple terms a downsizer contribution is a superannuation contribution which is made from the sale proceeds of a property (ie real estate). This resolution applies only to downsizer contributions made by a contributor for their spouse
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The purpose of the Written Resolution is to accept a non-concessional contribution or contributions made by or on behalf of a member of the Superannuation Fund.
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A spouse contribution is a superannuation contribution which is made by a contributor in respect of a member who is the spouse of the contributor.
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If a member suffers a personal injury then the member may contribute all or part of any compensation amount received in respect of that personal injury to a superannuation fund as a contribution for them.
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Contribution splitting
This template should only be used if the contributions to be split were made in the current financial year and the member is exiting the fund before the end of the current financial year.
This template should only be used if the contributions to be split were made in the preceding financial year.
Unallocated contributions strategy
An Unallocated Contributions Account (“UCA”) is a suspense account of a superannuation fund to which contributions can be credited on an interim basis pending the allocation by the trustee to the relevant member account. This valuable document explains all.
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This resolution authorises the establishment of an unallocated contributions account so that contributions can be received by the Trustee and credited to a general account of the superannuation fund pending their allocation to the relevant members.
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This resolution authorises the allocation of one or more contributions to the unallocated contributions account of the Superannuation Fund pending the allocation of those contributions to the member contribution account of the relevant member.
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Allows the trustee to transfer concessional contributions made in June to be allocated to member accounts in July
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This resolution may be used to transfer all or part of a contribution which has previously been allocated in June 2024 to the unallocated contributions account to the relevant member.
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This resolution may be used to terminate an unallocated contributions account as the Trustee no longer undertakes contribution management using an unallocated contribution account
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Refund of contributions
The purpose of this Written Resolution is to authorise and record the refund of a contribution which has been accepted by the Trustee in breach of SIS Regulations above
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Contribution related transaction resolutions - minor
This notification permits a member/prospective member to quote their Tax File Number (“TFN”) to the Trustee in a manner permitted by Part 25A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
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This notification permits a member/prospective member to quote their Tax File Number (“TFN”) to the Trustee in a manner permitted by Part 25A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
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This statement permits an un-associated employer to rely on the presumption the Superannuation Fund is a complying superannuation fund on the basis that the fund is resident regulated superannuation fund which is not subject to a direction not to accept employer contributions
Excess concessional contribution
This FAQ only relates to superannuation members who have defined contribution superannuation benefits. It does not apply to superannuation members who either have notional contributions or have defined benefit interests.
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This resolution may be used to authorise the release of monies to the ATO in response to an excess concessional contributions determination (ECC Determination) of a Member.
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Division 293
This FAQ only relates to superannuation members who have defined contribution superannuation benefits. It does not apply to superannuation members who either have had notional contributions or have defined benefit interests.
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This resolution is to acknowledge that the ATO has served on the Trustee an ATO Release Authority in respect of a member and has requested the Trustee to release all or part of the member’s benefits to the ATO to pay all or part of the assessed Division 293 Tax and to authorise the processing and implementation of that request.
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