Ask.Will estate planning testamentary advice report

Ask.Will estate planning testamentary advice report

Ask.Will™ is a robo-testamentary advice document specifically designed for Advisors to use when discussing estate planning with their clients.  Provided by Townsends Lawyers, our Ask.will testamentary report is also an invaluable client support and sales tool second to none.

Ask.Will takes a brief snapshot of your client’s personal information and uses the latest legislation and tax laws to provide you with an easy to understand summary of their current situation and the key areas they need to consider for the future, when it comes to their Will, and estate planning needs.

How does it work?

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be asked 10 simple questions about your client’s family, assets, superannuation, insurances, lifestyle, and goals.  The form takes only around 3 minutes to complete and you can change the information when and as needed.   You can also finalise the clients summary report with a personal message and your contact and firm details.

What next?

A comprehensive Ask.Will estate planning summary based on your clients lifestage and financial situation, provided by Townsends Lawyers, is then published immediately into your firms account for you to download and print.

Share it with your client, and use it as a guide to review their estate planning needs – from a will review and/or update, to a simple will or a comprehensively tailored estate plan.

We’re also here to help every step of the way – simply give us a call on 02 8296 6266 for further advice or assistance.

Ask.Will can help grow your estate planning business

There’s so much potential for business growth with estate planning. Ask.Will is designed to bring estate planning into the advice mainstream and can help you:

  • expand your estate planning services quickly and easily
  • initiate an estate planning conversation with your clients
  • broaden personalised estate planning services to encompass your full client base
  • simplify and guide your clients expertly through the planning process
  • provide a professional estate planning summary as a valuable value added client resource
  • navigate the complexities of estate planning for your clients
  • show your clients the very real need for and benefits of holistic estate planning
  • provide clear and actionable next step recommendations
  • increase your firm's professional profile.

For more information, please fill out our no obligation enquiry tab and we will be pleased to contact you shortly, or call 02 8296 6266 for immediate assistance.