Hybrid trust | CEST | stamping

Hybrid trust | CEST | stamping

Select only the documents you require in this bundled service. 

  • Hybrid trust establishment - $440
  • Company establishment - $740 soft copy  |  $817 hard copy
  • Stamping (if required) - $55  administration fee + disbursements (State based - variable stamp duty + lodgement agent costs + postage)

Please note disbursements apply for stamping depending on the applicable State duty laws.  Please click here for information on each State and Territory.

Hybrid trust set-up can be complicated and there are potential pitfalls which must be avoided.   This service includes legal advice and documentation for setting this type of trust up safely.

What's included:

  • letter of explanation
  • trust deed
  • application for units
  • unit certificates
  • trustee resolutions

IMPORTANT: Director Identification Number

For further information, please call our office on 02 8296 6266