Discretionary trust | CEST | stamping
Select only the documents you require in this bundled service.
- Discretionary trust establishment - $330
- Company establishment - $740 soft copy | $817 hard copy
- Stamping (if required) - $55 administration fee + disbursements (State based - variable stamp duty + lodgement agent costs + postage)
Please note disbursements apply for stamping depending on the applicable State duty laws. Please click here for information on each State and Territory.
Discretionary trusts allow their potential beneficiaries to control assets without actually owning the assets - very useful for asset protection purposes.
By being able to spread income among the beneficiaries a Discretionary trust allows the flexibility to ensure the full marginal tax rates of various beneficiares can be utilised.
Fixed entitlement structures like companies and unit trusts may not necessarily offer this flexibility.
Your discretionary trust documentation includes:
- deed
- complete instructions
- consents
- minutes
- draft letter to Stamping Authority
IMPORTANT: Director Identification Number
For further information, please call our office on 02 8296 6266