Take advantage of our complimentary services.... toolkit documents, stamping service, ABN/TFN application
As we draw closer to the end of another financial year, we wish to remind you about some of our complimentary services available to you, which certainly bode well for efficiency, and cost saving.
SUPERCentral Toolkit Documents
Our annual review of the SUPERCentral Toolkit documents is nearing completion, and bringing over 130 compliant documents at your disposal for the next financial year.
Complimentary Stamping of Trust Deeds for NSW & VIC
We can now stamp family, discretionary and unit trust deeds established in New South Wales and Victoria on a complimentary basis when the trust deed is ordered through the SUPERCentral system. Once the signed trust deed is received, it is checked by Townsends Lawyers for proper execution, then stamped as authorised agents of the relevant state revenue office, and then returned to you. All of this is completed in a matter of days, not weeks.
Complimentary ABN/TFN Application
When setting up a new SMSF onto the SUPERCentral system, the application form for the fund's Australian Business Number (ABN) and Tax File Number (TFN) is automatically populated. This means, that through one simple form, you can set up a new SMSF with SUPERCentral, establish the corporate trustee, automatically pre-populate the application for the fund ABN/TFN, and even open up a Macquarie Cash Management Account. It couldn’t be easier or faster.
And now one housekeeping announcement…
ASIC Fee Indexation
ASIC will increase their fee for the Application for registration of an Australian Company in line with the Consumer Price Index, from $463 to $469.
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