Overall Assessment - SMSFs still worthwhile

Assuming (and it is a big assumption – for reasons which are too obvious to state) that the announced changes are implemented, do they undermine super or SMSFs in particular?
The answer is no to both questions.  However, for super investors with very large super balances, there will be a reduction in level of concessions.  This reduction must be kept in perspective: a 15% tax rate is better than a 37% or a 45% tax rate.  Additionally, the long transitional period for pre-5 April assets precludes a hurried and in-opportune time for the disposal of the assets.

Finally, these changes will now focus attention on the level of taxpayer generosity for public sector –whether Federal, State and Local Government – defined benefit schemes.  Possibly Minister Shorten will have to apply the word “sustainability” in the context of public sector defined benefit schemes.

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