ATO Penalties Regime - Trustee penalties going up

The dollar value of each penalty unit will increase from $170 to $180 with effect from July 2015.  Consequently, the maximum penalty for failing to sign the ATO Trustee Declaration will increase from $8,500 to $9,000, as the maximum penalty is 50 penalty units.

Bundled Service
Company Establishment, Change of Trustee and Conversion/Update to SUPERCentral

This bundled service option was introduced in line with 1 July 2014 legislation applying to SMSFs which allows remediation directions and administrative penalties (‘speeding tickets’) to be imposed on trustees of SMSFs.

With this service you can:

•    establish a company;
•    complete a change of trustee (from individual to corporate); and
•    convert the SMSF to our automatic update service

in one online form.

Simply login to the SUPERCentral website then select:

•    Product Services (top of page)
•    SMSF Services (left side of page)
•    Bundled Services.

For further information about this bundled service and other SUPERCentral document services, please contact either Nikki Rivers or Ricardo Indolfo, on 02 8296 6266 or email

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