Are there any alternatives to Superstream?

There are a number of alternatives (with significantly different practicability) which are briefly set out below.

•    Not to accept Superstream affected contributions
This is the “off grid” solution.  Fine so far as it goes.  However the members must be prepared to live off grid.

•    Make each employer a Standard Employer Sponsor
A neat but impractical solution.  It is not realistic that an arm’s length employer would be prepared to enter into a legally binding arrangement with the trustee of the SMSF as to the payment of contributions.

•    Direct affected contributions to a “holding fund” and then transfer them out to the SMSF.

This does not solve the problem, but merely differs the problem to a later time.  The payment from the holding fund (as it will not be an SMSF) to the SMSF will be a benefit transfer payment which will be subject to the Superstream requirements.  The SMSF will have to be registered to receive this benefit transfer.

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